How do you explain this? Seven people are shot at 2:20 AM Sunday in the heart of downtown Orlando when a big fight breaks out as the bars are closing for the night. That area on Orange Avenue and Wall Street
has been heavily patrolled by police for years, yet the cops don't take out the shooter. He apparently just stops shooting on his own and disappears without a trace. Where's the shooter? How did he get away
in a crowded scenario like that? And how is it possible the gunman was never confronted by police, who seem like they're everywhere in all the video clips I've seen so far?
Let's talk about this from a policing standpoint, but let's also talk about how much worse this could have been if the shooter had been a better shot! And, let's talk about the negative impact a violent incident like this is likely to have on downtown businesses which depend on a vibrant night life for their survival. ALSO, what about all the people who live in those upscale high-rise apartments within a very short distance of the shooting scene? Are they likely to start moving out in droves whenever their leases are up?
In my mind this is a big story with a number of facets we need to explore, so let's talk! Be ready to sound off on the phone by calling "Good Morning Orlando" at 407 916 5400, texting us at 23680, or using the
talkback feature on the iHeartradio app !
Former President Donald trump is still the dominant figure in the Republican Party, but there are more and more signs that his popularity is waning and that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is gaining more and more followers as we look way ahead to the 2024 presidential election. Case in point-the new U.S.A. Today poll that has DeSantis ahead of Trump when Republicans are asked to name their first and second choices for President. Take a look at the poll results in the following link. Are they part of a trend, or just a fluke? Join the debate, here on the "50,000 Watt Front Porch" !
Here's a stunning statistic we need to talk about- 12 out of 14 Republican congressional candidates who just participated in a local forum say they don't think President Biden legitimately beat Trump in 2020 !
Check out the link below for the story. The question I'm going to raise is whether these candidates in districts 7, 9 and 10 actually believe that, or whether they're only saying so to keep open the possibility of
getting Trump's endorsement, which has helped a lot of candidates in primary elections across the country. What do you think?
We'll have a shortened version of Open Mind Monday, so be ready to call, text or use our talkback feature on the iHeartradio app, and give us your take on the topic of your choice. Our GMO tam will listen and keep and open mind to whatever you have to say!
Our health and medical expert Dr. Ken Kronhaus joins us with the latest on President Biden, who's tested positive for COVID-19 again! How could that happen twice in such a short period of time? Dr K. will
explain, and he'll discuss whether the President's medical team may have blown it when they put Biden on the anti-viral drug Paxlovid when he tested positive the first time!