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Trump and DeSantis' Speech


A straw poll taken among young conservatives at the Turning Point Action Summit in Tampa fINDS Donald Trump to be the choice for President by a landslide over Ron DeSantis and 

every other potential Republican candidate listed! That was a shocker to me, given how much bad publicity Trump's been getting from the January 6th televised hearings, and the news

that both Fox News and the conservative Wall street Journal editorial board have JUST turned against Trump and declared him unfit to be President again. Here's a link to the straw poll:


DeSantis was the keynote speaker Friday night, with Trump keynoting the Saturday night session of the Action Summit. I thought both gave powerful speeches that were very well received, but if you believe the Turning Point straw poll, what Trump had to say resonated with the crowd far more than DeSantis' message. I've selected some sound cuts to play from both speeches and we'll compare the performance of the two towering figures in the Republican Party and see who you think has the edge. Here are links to both speeches:





The growing scourge of political violence reared its ugly head at the start of the weekend, when Republican candidate for Governor of New York, Lee Zeldin, was attacked while speaking at a campaign event. Would you believe the suspect was arrested only to be released almost immediately, thanks to New York's soft on crime laws?! Fortunately, the guy was then arrested on federal charges, but only because Zeldin is a member of Congress. Here's the story we'll be talking about with you:


We'll talk live with Jose Castillo, the Disney employee and critic of Disney's woke policies, who's a Republican candidate for Congress in District 9. As we discussed on Friday's edition of "Good Morning Orlando", Castillo says there's a "Silent Majority" of Disney workers who are afraid to speak up, but oppose the company's liberal politics. I've been impressed with Castillo and think he has a shot at unseating Democrat incumbent Darren Soto in this race!  



It's Open Mind Monday, so don't miss your chance to sound off on the topic of your choice! Call 407 916 5400, text to 23680, or use our new Talkback on the iHeart Radio APP 

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