

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio




With Trump under relentless fire from the January 6th democrat controlled House Select Committee, and with Biden's presidency in the tank and his approval ratings slipping into record low territory, should Trump announce NOW that he's running for President? I can tell you that a lot of influential Republicans are scared to death that he'll do exactly that! Let's explore this intriguing question together, right off the top on Wednesday's show!


Let's talk about "Tacogate"! My contempt for political correctness finds me backing First Lady Jill Biden, who's taking all kinds of heat for a comment about tacos she made to a group of Hispanics in Texas. I say enough with this PC nonsense and everyone in every minority group you can name getting offended for no good reason! Here's a link to this ridiculousness. Take a look and tell us what you think!


In what appears to be a tragic accident, a Brevard County mom is under investigation after her six month old baby drowned in the bath tub. She could face serious charges that would land her in prison for years, but is that what should happen in a case like this? Our team will debate that question and we invite you to join in.



The January 6th "Select" House Committee held another one of their "Let's get Trump" hearings Tuesday afternoon. Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill was watching and so was I. Rory joins us live with all the details.



Believe it or not, the United States Army is on the brink of destroying the careers of more than 60,000 members of the National Guard and the Reserves! Why? Because they still refuse to be 

vaccinated for COVID-19, even though the worst of the pandemic is behind us, and getting vaxxed is no longer a matter of life or death. I think Joe Biden, the Commander in Chief needs to step in on behalf of these service men and women. Do you agree or not?



Volusia County, long known as America's shark capitol, has just been saddled with another unwanted title- deadliest place in the U.S. when it comes to pedestrian deaths! What makes the roads more dangerous in Volusia County than anywhere else in the country? Let's talk about it!


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