

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Should there be an upper age limit for U.S. Presidents?


President Biden, already the oldest President and American history, will turn 80 this Fall. The normally Biden-friendly New York Times is panning Biden as too old for the job, and it's blatantly obvious that he's cognitively challenged and sliding into senility. We've talked about this a lot on "Good Morning Orlando", but today we're going to get more specific about our Presidents and how old is too old to serve. The U.S. Constitution says you have to be at least 35 years old to be President but is silent about an upper age limit. So, here's my question: should there be an upper age limit for U.S. Presidents? If so, what should the number be? If not, why not? I want to know what you think, so be ready to call in to 407 916 5400 or get on our text line to 23680, or use our new Talkback feature on the i-Heart radio APP !

Is former President Trump about to get his side of the January 6th story told to the one-sided, Trump hating House Select Committee? Steve Bannon, one of Trump's staunchest allies, has agreed to testify! I'm fine with that, under one condition....and it's a condition I fear will not be met. We'll talk about it.


How well is Florida's Red Flag Law working, four years after it was passed by the Republican controlled legislature in the wake of the Parkland school massacre, and signed into law by Republican Governor Rick Scott? Thousands of guns have been taken from people considered to be a danger to themselves or others. Have lives been saved? Have Second Amendment rights to bear arms been undermined? WFTV, Channel 9 News has just done an investigation and we'll talk about their findings.


The Biden liberal agenda that's just killing this country cannot be stopped unless Republicans take control of the House and Senate in the upcoming mid-term elections! What are the chances

this will happen? We'll debate this critically important issue and bring in Newsradio WFLA's White House Correspondent Jon Decker with perspectives from Washington, D.C. !


The final issue we'll tackle on Tuesday's show is the cost of a college education. Is college worth it? Americans say they value higher education, but it is too expensive for many. 

News Radio WFLA National Correspondent Nicole Wilson will have the story.

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