

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Voter regret


It's happened again! A fatal road accident, while terribly tragic for the people involved and those who know them personally, has completely tied up traffic for hour after hour after hour, inconveniencing thousands! In this case, it also caused people to miss their flights out of Orlando, because the wreck early Saturday morning happened along Jeff Fuqua Boulevard, the busy access road from the 528 into Orlando International Airport. The road was completely shutdown for 6 hours, and not fully reopened for nearly 8 hours, while police investigated and gathered evidence. This is police policy when lives are lost, but it seems to me that with all the modern technology at the investigators disposal, blood and DNA samples, along with photos and videos ought to be able to be taken more quickly, so then accident scene can be cleared and the road(s) reopened in a fraction of the time! Am I the only one who thinks we need a policy change here?!

Let's talk about it!





Could there be a strategy developing on the left to change the balance of the U.S. Supreme Court by killing a couple of conservative justices?! I'm growing more and more concerned about that in the wake of the court's decision to overturn Roe vs Wade and the anger on the part of so many liberals. Believe it or not, bounties are now being offered for spotting a conservative Supreme Court justice out in public, and an even bigger bounty is available for revealing their specific location! What possible motive could there be for this other to harass or harm conservative members of the high court...or worse? Here's a link to this story I find deeply disturbing:






All aboard the "Biden Trainwreck Express"! We'll let you hear the latest gaffe by Joe Biden, that's literally right out of a movie. And then, you'll hear from some hard core Biden backers who

have seen the error of their ways and deeply regret having voted for him. I think there have to be millions more voters feeling just like they do, and if I'm right about that, the whole Democrat party's headed for a train wreck!!



You know those HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes on some major highways? It's against the law to drive in an HOV lane when you're alone in the car. You have to have two or more people in the car to ride in an HOV lane, or you could get an expensive ticket. We'll tell you about the pregnant woman who just got ticketed for driving in an HOV lane. She's going to court claiming her unborn child is the second person in her car and that she wasn't guilty of an HOV lane violation! Does she have a winning case or not? What do you think?


 It's Open Mind Monday on Good morning Orlando...your chance to sound off on the topic of your choice, whether we've been talking about it or not! Be ready to call us at 407-916-5400, text us to 23680, or use our new Talkback feature on the i-Heart Radio APP !

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