On what may become one of the hottest days in years here in Central Florida, we'll open Good Morning Orlando with some Friday fun and this GMO Wants To Know question:
What's your hottest tip for keeping cool? It could be something you like to do, eat or drink to beat the heat. Text your hottest tip for keeping cool to 23680 !
Gun rights have just been expanded by the U.S. Supreme Court in the strongest pro- 2nd Amendment decision to come down in years! Ironically, this comes on the same day the U.S. Senate seems set to approve a package of gun rights restrictions. I'll explain the SCOTUS ruling and what it means for millions of Americans and I'll give you my take on the Senate bill. And, of course, we'll want to hear what you think, so be ready to sound off by calling 407 916 5400 or texting to 23680 .
We'll give you the highlights and the lowlights of Thursday's January 6th Select Committee hearing focusing on former President's efforts to influence the Justice Department and change the results of the 2020 election.
Rents are sky high throughout Central Florida and Orange County's Commission is debating whether it's time to institute rent controls. We'll tell you what happened in Thursday's Special Session of the County Commission, explain why rents are at record high levels, and debate whether rent controls will work or be counter productive.
Do you know how close we came to having a crook for Governor of Florida?! Democrat Andrew Gillum who lost to Ron DeSantis by just 32,000 votes in 2018 has just been indicted on series charges that, if proven, should send him to prison form years! Join us for this incredible story that'll have you counting your blessings that the 2018 election for Governor turned out the way it did!
Is the stage set for the Orlando Magic to become winners again?! We'll talk about how they used their number one pick in the NBA draft Thursday night to select Duke University star Paolo Banchero, and how much of a difference he is likely to make in the Magic's fortunes.
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