

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Is Trump's Political Future ruined?

Let's talk about the January 6th hearings which continued Thursday, but let's plow some new ground when we do it, okay? I want to debate the impact these hearings will have on Trump's future. Will all the bad publicity destroy any hopes he has of a presidential run in 2024, or could they make him a stronger candidate? I've been going back and forth on that, but will give you my latest take. We'll also hear from Alan and Melissa and of course we invite you to join the conversation by calling 407 916 5400 or texting to 23680.


Economic chaos is our focus, from the record high gas and food prices, to a stock market in free fall, to interest rates soaring. How's all this chaos affecting you and will it destroy what's left of Joe Biden and his presidency? 

  Believe it or not, housing prices in Florida are continuing to rise even though they're already ridiculously high. You'd think more homeowners would list their homes for sale to cash in, but it's not happening. I think I know why, so let's talk about it and see if you agree with me...or not.



How'd you like to have a convicted felon representing you in Congress?! Former Florida Congresswoman Corrine Brown, who served a couple of years in prison, has just announced she's running for Congress again. The disgraced Democrat has filed to run for the District 10 seat being vacated by Val Demings, who's running against Marco Rubio for the U.S. Senate. Could Brown get elected? Is it even legal for her to run? You might be surprised, especially when I give you the answer to that second question!


In the wake of the recent mass shootings across the country, the U.S. Senate claimed to have a bipartisan package of gun measures that could get enough votes to pass. But, all we've seen is the framework of the Senate plan. Where's the bill ? We'll have the latest on that and then we'll pose these questions: what changes gun law changes, if any, do you think would be best for America? How would you go about protecting innocent people from being mowed down in a school, grocery store or shopping mall? 


Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rich Johnson joins us live to talk about the latest nosedive in stock prices, driven in large part by soaring interest rates. What are the biggest impacts you're likely to experience in the weeks and months ahead as we all pay the price for the disastrous economic policies of President Biden and the Democrats?

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