It's great to back on the 50,000 Watt Front Porch with Alan, Melissa and everyone here at Newsradio WFLA! I never thought I'd need to undergo a triple heart bypass, and never imagined it would take me from late March to mid-June to recover sufficiently to host Good Morning Orlando again. No promises on how my first show in nearly 3 months will go...I feel good physically, but feel really rusty, so anything could happen between 6 and 9 AM Wednesday. I hope our team and our listeners will be extra forgiving and cut me some slack 'cause I'm going to need it! See below for word about a couple of very special guests who'll drop by in our 8 o'clock hour. I'm so grateful to them for the roles they've played in my life lately!
We'll play a bunch of sound cuts from President Biden's fiery speech on the economy Tuesday afternoon. With inflation raging and the stock market tanking, Biden still refuses to take any blame, but as you'll hear, there's no shortage of people he's willing to blame for anything and everything that's going wrong in this country! We'll also hear from the President's lame new press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre who is so bad at her job I cringe every time she speaks!
In our 7 o'clock hour I'll tell you why part of me hopes Biden runs for re-election, even though he's been a train wreck as President!
3 entries in our Florida File:
*Here's another reason to Love the Gov in Florida. By now you might think Ron Desantis has grown rich in politics, but on the contrary...his net worth is actually dropping as we'll explain.
*Flame throwing ultra liberal Democrat Alan Grayson has just announced his candidacy for Congress in the newly redrawn District 10 here in the heart of Central Florida. That's the seat being vacated by Val Demings who's running for the U.S. Senate. You might think Democrats would be happy have such a familiar name in the race, but many are not and I'll tell you why.,_2022
*A Flagler County school bus driver, accused of driving his bus full of kids while dead drunk, just admitted he was drunk again during a court appearance! Is anything being done to make sure our school bus drivers are sober every time they transport the most precious cargo in the world...our kids and grand kids? I have some hopeful news on that front which I'll share with you.
Our "What's Buggin' the Budman?!" segment focuses on the NFL coach who's been fined $100,000 dollars just for expressing an opinion about the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol which his boss didn't like. Whatever happened to his First Amendment right of free speech?! I think this is outrageous, and I want to know how you feel !
On my first day back we'll talk with my cardiologist, Dr. Ken Kronhaus who diagnosed the heart problems that led to my triple bypass surgery. Doc's amazing work has now saved my life for the second time, and I want to publicly thank him. But more than that, I want Dr. Kronhaus to explain why it is so important for you see a good cardiologist, even if you think your heart is fine. It could be a matter of life and death, and I am living proof of that!
Also, Dr. Kronhaus is very concerned about the new COVID variants which continue to spread and are making a lot of folks sick right here in Central Florida. He'll tell us all what we need to know.
I've invited Simon Conway to joins us on the show, so I can thank him for the amazing job he did hosting Good Morning Orlando in my absence. He did it day after day, week after week while I was out. What some of you may not know is that Simon was also hosting his own 3 hour news talk show every day as well. How he managed to do that I'll never know! Maybe he'll tell us his secret.
Listen to the podcast of Good Morning Orlando!