In all 3 hours of "Good Morning Orlando" we'll bring you the very latest developments from the war in Ukraine, which is about to enter its fourth week. We'll also talk about what Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is likely to say when he speaks via video hookup to our Congress at 9 A.M. Wednesday.
With Florida Senator Marco Rubio the driving force, the U.S. Senate just approved permanent Daylight Saving Time unanimously! How there could be zero "no" votes on a measure as consequential and controversial as this, I have no earthly idea, but they've done it and we'll debate it. The measure now goes to the House, and would require President Biden's signature to become the law of the land, so I still have hope that smarter heads will prevail and we will not find ourselves living with super late sunrises during the Winter, which would pose a clear danger to school children and morning commuters who would be out there in the dark for a couple of months every year! Whether you agree with me or Senator Rubio, please let us know what you think about permanent Daylight Saving Time by call in to 407 916 5400 or getting on our text line, 23680 !
It's an educational testing revolution and it's coming to Florida! Governor DeSantis has just signed a bill replacing the controversial year end FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) test with
Progress Monitoring. I like this change, but not everyone does. We'll explain what changes are coming and why the Republican controlled Florida Legislature decided to make this bold move.
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill checks in with an up to the minute report on the war in Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine fully deserves all the attention it is getting, but a war has just been fought in Florida and won by Republicans! It's the culture war that dominated the recently adjourned session of the Florida Legislature. We'll talk about what I see as the important battles won on behalf of millions of Floridians who demanded traditional American values be upheld by state lawmakers on a host of issues ranging from election integrity, to illegal immigration, to school cirriculum. The Democrats in the legislature are squealing like a herd of stuck pigs, but I say, "Thank God there were enough Republican votes to win these important battles in the ongoing culture war!"