We'll talk about the latest developments in Russia's war against Ukraine, and at 7:42, Newsradio WFLA national correspondent Rory O'Neill will join our team with his take on how the war's going.
Please forgive me if this falls into the category of cruel and unusual punishment, especially so early in the morning, but I'm going to share some sound from two women I
absolutely can't stand listening to!
*You'll hear MSNBC's left wing wacko show host Joy Reid, for whom everything is viewed through the prism of race, make the case that the media's only covering the war in Ukraine so
heavily because it involves white people. Really, Joy?! You're playing the race card? You make me sick!
*And, Hillary has finally said whether she plans to run for President again. You'll hear her cackle and laugh her way through her answer!
We'll talk about the record high gas prices and hear from a former Keystone XL Pipeline worker about who's to blame for our energy crisis and just how high prices at the pump may go.
His answer prompts us to ask you whether you're thinking about going EV and buying an electric car or truck. It may seem tempting right now, but there are some things you need to know
about what it can cost to charge up an EV, and some big time supply chain issues that could send electric vehicle prices soaring beyond the reach of most drivers.
Russia's threatening to stop selling rocket engines to U.S. space companies in retaliation for all the sanctions we've put on them. The response from Space X CEO Elon Musk- who needs
Russian rockets! That issue came up during Thursday morning's countdown to the successful launch of another batch of Starlink satellites. Wait 'til you hear what was said....and you will during this segment of our show!
We'll discuss 3 big bills that have just been passed by the Florida Legislature and are headed for Governor Ron DeSantis' desk where he will sign them into law.
*Florida's crackdown on illegal immigration:
*The end of permanent alimony in Florida:
*Mercy for young crooks! :