While we slept, those gas station pricing signs we all see while driving, posted numbers we've never seen before! $4.19 for a gallon of regular!? That's the highest in U.S. history! We'll talk about what's causing this, who is to blame, and we'll ask you what changes you'll be making to survive cope with this breathtaking, wallet robbing rise in the price of gasoline! We want to know what you think, so give us a call at 407 916 5400, or text us to 23680 !
Florida's new maverick Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo has done it again! When it comes to COVID-19, Ladapo's on record as saying masks are all but worthless. Now, he's just announced that
Florida will be the first state to recommend against vaccinating healthy children for the coronavirus. The CDC and top medical experts across the country recommend healthy kids be vaccinated. So, who's got it right? Join us for the debate! Give us a call at 407 916 5400 or hit the text line, 23680.
With just a few more days left in the Florida Legislature's 60 day session, I'll give you an update on where things stand with the most important bills under consideration.
What's gotten done? What remains undone? We'll have the answers for you and, of course, we'll talk about it!
Should you consider buying Ukraine war bonds to help fund that country fend off the Russian invasion? That's just one question we'll pose to our special guest, Joel Garris. He's the CEO of Nelson Financial Planning
in Winter Park, and host of "Dollars and Sense", the longest running radio program in Central Florida, hear every Sunday morning at 9 on Newsradio WFLA. Joel will also talk about inflation, nowe at it's highest rate in some 40 years. Have we seen the worst of it, or is the worst yet to come? And, with the war causing stock prices to fluctuate wildly, Joel will offer advice on how to invest wisely in these uncertain times.
We've just seen the first wreck on the newly opened I-4 toll lanes. It was a head on collision caused by a driver going the wrong way on the express lanes, but exactly how did it happen, and what can be done to keep it from happening again?
What's the latest with the war in Ukraine? Newsradio WFLA national correspondent Rory O'Neill drops by to bring us the latest developments.
What'd the deal with conservatives and Donald Trump?! CPAC loved Trump and he was the star attraction at their recent confab in Orlando. But the conservative American Enterprise Institute is about to hold
their world forum and they didn't even invite Trump! What's going on here? Is Trump good news for conservatives or not? Is Trump causing a split within the conservative movement, and if so, what might that
mean for Republican fortunes in the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election? We're talking about it, and we'll be taking your calls and texts, so be ready to let us know what you think!
Olsen on Law with Alan and attorney Tom Olsen. Tuesday's topic: People are selling their homes for huge profits. Why they may not have to pay capital gains taxes.
What can be done to bring gasoline prices down and increase the supply of oil? Newsradio WFLA national correspondent Mike Bower's on the story and joins us live with the latest.