

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Gas Prices are quickly on the rise


We'll open the show with the very latest for you on Russia's war against Ukraine and the latest spike in gasoline prices. The war is causing prices at the pump to rise faster than we've seen in many years.

The average price of a gallon of regular has topped $4 dollars, and most of the stations I passed over the weekend were up to $3.99. What's the end game for the war, and for the gas prices? Let's talk about it!



 Liberals in the media continue to distort and misrepresent the Parental Rights in Education bill headed for a final vote in the Florida Senate. They call it the "Don't Say Gay" bill, but all this legislation seeks to do

is prohibit school classroom discussions of sex and sexual orientation from Kindergarten through third grade. Gay activists, and media liberals eager to help them drive their agenda, are twisting the meaning and intent of this bill. You'll hear them do it on this weekend's "Saturday Night Live" show, and you'll hear Governor Desantis rip into a news reporter attempting to put the "Don't Say Gay" label on this legislation. I hope you'll listen closely and then let us know what you think, by calling us at 407 916 5400 or texting your comments to 23680.



 Do you want an end to these spiking gasoline prices and some sanity with America's energy policies? Of course you do, and it can happen, but we'll never get there unless the Biden administration changes course,

 puts their "Go Green" agenda on hold and makes an all out commitment to "Drill baby, drill !" so the U.S. can become energy independent the way we were under President Trump! Join our conversation about what needs to change in Washington !



What's the very latest from Ukraine? Find out as Newsradio WFLA national correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us live to talk about the ongoing war.

We'll take a break from talk of the war to get some insights into what our new Executive Producer Guy Robberts was up to over the weekend. Guy, who's a very talented musician, had a gig at one of the most popular Bike Week venues in Daytona Beach! I can't want to find out how that went!

It's Open Mind Monday, so don't miss your chance to let us know what you think on the topic of your choice! Get on the Open Mind Mind Monday phone line, 407 916 5400 or our text line, 23680. 

We promise to keep an open mind to whatever's on your mind!

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