We'll have comprehensive coverage of Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine in all three hours of Friday's show, and we'll talk about the latest round of sanctions President Biden is imposing on Russia. Will they work? I don't see reason why they should, and I'm not alone in thinking that. Along the way, Newsradio WFLA national correspondent Rory O'Neill will join us with a live update on everything that's going on as Putin brutal assault on Ukraine continues.
Be sure to be with us to hear the stemwinder of a speech Governor Ron DeSantis delivered at the opening day of CPAC here in Orlando! This was the most powerful speech I've ever heard Desantis give, and the reaction he got from the crowd of his fellow conservatives made it clear that the Gov I love is quickly becoming a Republican rock star who is destined to be President of the United States, if not in 2024, then in '28 or beyond!
We'll talk about the so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill that should pass the Florida House before this day is out. I think we need this bill to become law to protect Florida students, from Kindergarten through third grade from classroom conversations about sexual orientation and gender identity. These are little kids, for God's sake! This stuff has no place in our schools for children this young. And no...this is not anti-gay legislation!
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