The Minnesota police officer who mistakenly fired her gun instead of her taser at a suspect trying to escape arrest has been sentenced to 16 months in prison. The suspect, Daunte Wright, died. Some think officer Kim Potter should be put behind bars far longer than that, while others think it was a tragic but honest mistake in a pressure situation, and no prison time is warranted. I'll admit to being conflicted about the appropriate sentence for Kim Potter. Our team will debate this story that made national headlines over the weekend, and we invite you to tell us what you think. Be ready to call 407 916 5400 or text to 23680.
The new Winter Park public library is just about the last place I'd expect a fatal shooting to occur, but it happened Saturday night and we're talking about it with you. A man turned violent during a wedding reception held in the library's events center. When police officers arrived, the man reportedly fought with them, and knocked out one of the cops. Witnesses say the guy continued to fight with another Winter Park police officer who shot and killed him. We'll bring you the latest on this chaotic scene, and talk about what the officer may face who fired the fatal shot.
Remember when Disney built the Celebration community back in the 1990's? It was meticulously designed to be the ideal place to live, and for the most part, I'd say it's lived up to that promise. Now, Disney's back in the planned community game big-time, with their newly unveiled Storyliving concept. Mickey and the Disney Imagineers plan to build their Storyliving communities all across the country, and bring the idealistic Disney vision to everyday living. How will it work? Will it work? If you could live in a Disney-built Storyliving community, would you want to, or not? We'll let you hear from top Disney executives behind these Storyliving communities Disney plans to build, and see what you think. I like a lot of what I see, but I also have some concerns which I'll share with you during this segment of Monday's show.
As I write this, Ukraine remains on the bring of invasion by Russia,
I've been a big fan of the new privately funded Brightline trains that will soon start running between Orlando and Miami. That said, the stats show Brightline trains continue to lead the nation's train systems in the number of people hit and killed by their high speed trains. What's going on here, and what can be done to bring this death toll down? Let's talk about it!
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