Straight out of the "Budman's Believe It Or Not File", the Orange County man charged with shooting at four different drivers in separate road rage incidents, and freed on bond by a soft-on-crime judge, has just been arrested and charged in a fifth road rage incident!! What's going to happen to him now? Will he be held in jail where he belongs, or be freed again, by our so-called criminal justice system? Join us for the latest on this incredible local story!
We continue to follow the findings of the Durham report that Hillary Clinton's campaign spied on Trump during his campaign and presidency, trying to show he was colluding with the Russians. In this segment of our show you'll hear Hillary ripping Trump and attorney John Durham, and you'll hear the earful Hillary got from an angry crowd as she showed up Thursday to give the keynote speech for the New York Democrat Convention!
You'll hear from Canada's protesting truckers, hanging tough as liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tightens the screws and threatens to arrest them, claiming their legal and peaceful protests against COVID restrictions are illegal !
I'll tell you all about Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings ramping up his campaign for a penny on the dollar sales tax hike to pay for roads, rail and bus service. Demings is asking for residents to give him feedback in a new survey, and he's just unveiled plans for a series of town halls on the sales tax hike plan. So, as a public service for the mayor and other county officials, we'll open up our "50,000 Watt Front Porch" for your calls (407-916-5400) and texts (23680) letting the mayor know where you stand on increasing the sales tax in Orange County. He already knows that I think- this is a bad idea that should never be put to a vote, and if it is, I'm convinced it will go down in flames!
150,000 Russian troops remain poised on the border with Ukraine, and President Biden still believes an invasion is imminent.
Florida has a critical shortage of nursing home workers, and state lawmakers are considering a couple of bills to deal with it. However, it looks to me like those bills, if they become law, will result in a reduced level of care for our oldest, most vulnerable citizens. Is there a better solution than this proposed legislation? We'll talk about it, and we'll definitely want to hear from you, especially if you have a loved one in a nursing home, or worry about what the care will be like if you or a family member end up needing nursing home care.
Should an airline be able to boot you off a flight you've paid for just because you insist on wearing a COVID mask that says "Let's Go, Brandon!", a popular way of saying "F**K Joe Biden" without actually saying it. Join our debate by calling 407 916 5400 or texting your thoughts to 23680 ! I can tell you this, in "Budtopia" where everything's the way I want it to be, that passenger stays on the plane! Do you agree or not?
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