The President of Ukraine predicts Russia will attack his country this Wednesday! If and when the invasion comes, the lion's share of the blame will rightly lie with Vladimir Putin. But do you agree with me that some of the blame will go to President Biden, because he is so weak in Putin's eyes, that the Russian leader knows he can get away with it? President Trump preached "Peace through strength", and I think that was big factor in keeping Putin in check, as well as other bad actors on the world stage!
As I predicted, Sarah Palin has lost her defamation case against the New York Times. The judge dismissed the case Monday afternoon even though the jury was still in deliberations! Palin claimed the Times wrongly linked her political action committee to the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and did so on purpose because they didn't like Palin's conservative views. The Times claimed they simply made a mistake, which they later corrected, and, thus, should not be held liable. I think Palin had it right about the Times' motivation, but I'll explain why I was so sure she was fighting a losing battle.
Is there no end to the price hikes at Walt Disney World?! And, is it fair for me to accuse Mickey Mouse and company of hypocrisy? They claim to be all in on their commitment to inclusion and diversity, and yet their prices have gotten so high now that Disney is excluding more and more people by pricing them out of their theme parks! Who's side are you on here, Mickey or the Budman?
Join us for Tuesday's "Right Call/Wrong Call" segment of "Good Morning Orlando", as we debate whether Governor Ron DeSantis made the right call or the wrong call on the following key issues:
*DeSantis is rejecting the congressional redistricting plans coming out of the Republican controlled legislature, because he doesn't want districts twisted into odd shapes just to favor minority candidates.
*DeSantis is rejecting Republican state representative Randy Fine's plan to fine Florida school districts that disobeyed the Governor's ban on mask mandates.
There's talk of oil prices soaring above the $100 per barrel mark! What will that translate into when you go fill up your car or truck?
Federal prosecutor John Durham has evidence that Hillary Clinton and her team infiltrated Trump's servers at the White House and at Trump Tower in an effort to falsely link him to Russia. This is a big story that's developing. Some think it could be as big or bigger than Watergate, and yet the left leaning lame stream media is squelching it- barely covering it at all ! Trump's furious about this and I think you may be, too when we get done talking about it!
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