All aboard for the Biden Train Wreck Express ! It's fully loaded with new disastrous poll numbers (even some from CNN!), new and historically bad inflation numbers, and a mask mandate meltdown that's driving a big wedge between Biden and Democrat governors. We'll explain, and we'll debate just bad things are right now for Ol' Joe and how bad they're likely to get. As always, we care what you think, so join us by calling 407-916-5400, or text us at 23680 !
From the Budman's Believe It Or Not file, we'll have the deeply disturbing story of a Flagler County school bus driver cops say was dead drunk when he drove a bus loaded with school kids. What should be done with this guy? Even more important, why are there no safety measures in place to prevent school bus drivers from driving our kids and grand kids while impaired by alcohol and/or drugs !? We need to talk about this, and we will, so be ready to let us know what you think!
It's become a national nightmare at 35,000 feet- unruly passengers who suddenly get totally out of control to the point where flight attendants and other passengers have all they can do to subdue them. As you'll hear in this segment of our show, a passenger on a flight from New York City to Orlando a couple of days ago went out of his mind and terrified everyone else on board. This problem has gotten so bad that Delta Airlines wants the U.S. Justice Department to create a no-fly list that bans these wackos from ever flying again. Do we need this, or not? We'll have the debate!
Space X CEO Elon Musk has a new rocket that's taller than the Saturn V that took U.S. astronauts to the Moon! Musk's plans are even bigger than the rocket, and Newsradio WFLA national correspondent Rory O'Neill will drop by and tell us all about it.
With Valentines Day almost upon us, are you still trying to figure out the best gift or gifts to give your sweetheart? We've got you covered with results of a new survey on what women and men really want from their Valentine!