

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


How Do We STOP School Violence?!

We'll talk about the latest despicable displays of anti-Semitism in Central Florida, as neo-Nazi demonstrators spewed their hate from an Orange County overpass and other locations. And, we'll tell you about efforts by Governor DeSantis' political opponents to smear him by suggesting that he might actually be sympathetic to the neo-Nazis just because he hasn't directly condemned them! Playing politics with an issue like this is really outrageous, especially when DeSantis and his administration have such a strong record of support for Florida's Jewish population and for Israel. We'll hear from the Governor on why he's being attacked in this way.




We have two entries in the Budman's Believe It Or Not file:

*Believe it or not, President Biden says he's trying to figure out why illegal immigrants keep on showing up at the border in such huge numbers! Gee, that's a tough one, Joe, but never fear, I'm sure the GMO team and the smartest audience in talk radio can explain it for you!


*Believe it or not, an anti-vaxxer has been denied a life saving kidney transplant even though he's had Covid twice ! How about checking his antibody levels for natural immunity?!


What's the best approach to stopping the rising tide of violence in our schools? We'll offer our solutions and we invite you to give us yours by calling 407-916-5400 or texting to 23680. Seminole County School Board Chairman Amy Pennock has written an article on how to stop school violence. We'll let you know where we think she's got it right, and where she's got it wrong, and of course your thoughts are always welcome here on the "50,000 Watt Front Porch".


As the high stakes Russia/Ukraine stand off continues, we'll bring in Newsradio WFLA national correspondent Rory O'Neill to give us the latest and to tell us about Monday's U.N. meeting on the crisis.

We'll have a follow up to our interview Monday with GOP congressional candidate Laura Loomer who claims four bus loads of illegal aliens from the southern border have been dropped off at a Maitland hotel and checked in. While there's no question the Biden administration is flying illegals from the border to various parts of the country, including Florida, and then bussing them to  their final destination in towns and cities across America, it now appears the situation Loomer talked about in Maitland involved farm workers brought here legally to work.


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