

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


BIDEN - Racist? Incompetent?

Liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer plans to retire at the end of the current term, opening an opportunity for President Biden to nominate a replacement. You're hearing that Biden has promised to nominate a black woman to the high court, but wait until you hear when and why he made that promise! I'll also explain what's behind the timing of Breyer's retirement, and we'll debate whether it is fair and/or appropriate to mandate that a Supreme Court nominee be of a particular race and sex. 



Two entries in our Florida File:

*Why did the all the Democrats on a Senate committee walk out during Wednesday's confirmation hearing for Governor DeSantis' Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo? And, did he deserve the rude treatment, or not?



*Why did Winter Park Police Chief Michael Deal sudden announce his resignation today? Deal had been arrested in the wake of a domestic violence incident involving a reported argument with his wife, but has denied any wrong doing. So, why is leaving the job?


Most of us who took the Scholastic Aptitude Test for college, the SAT, remember taking it at our high school under watchful eyes, so no one could cheat. But we've learned that students will soon be able to take the SAT online, at home on a computer! In addition, calculators can be used for the math questions, less reading will be required and the length of the SAT will be reduced from three hours to two. How does any of this produce an accurate measure of a student's "Scholastic Aptitude" and college qualifications?!


We're going to let you hear a stunning comparison of Joe Biden speaking now, and how he sounded earlier in his career, and then we're going to debate a critically important question that more and more Americans are asking: Is President now mentally unfit to be President?


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