

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Florida Plans to Ban ABORTIONS at 15 Weeks!

We'll talk about a controversial abortion bill that's been filed in the Florida Legislature which, were it to become law, would ban most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Florida's current law bans most abortions after 24 weeks. I promise you there will be a battle royal over this during the legislative session. Alan, Melissa and I will debate this during the show,



I'm betting we can do something most of you would think was impossible...make you cheer for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell ! Wait 'til you hear McConnell rip President Biden from pillar to post over his angry, racially charged voting rights speech in Atlanta!

BREAKING NEWS Wednesday afternoon, as an ex-girlfriend of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz reportedly testified today before a grand jury in Orlando. Gaetz is being investigated amid allegations of sex trafficking involving a 17 year old girl. This stems from his close association with disgraced former Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg who's pleaded guilty to an array of serious charges including sex trafficking. Greenberg is cooperating with investigators in an apparent bid to shorten the prison sentence he will face. As for Gaetz, he has denied any wrongdoing and has not been charged with anything. We'll have the latest developments and talk about what the future may hold for Panhandle conservative Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz.




Is there a rift developing between Governor Ron DeSantis and former President Trump? As you'll hear, Trump is ripping into politicians who won't say for sure whether they've taken the booster shot for COVID-19. Trump calls them "gutless", and while he never said DeSantis' name, the governor, as you will hear, been evasive on whether he's had the booster or not, so we'll debate whether Trump's calling out Desantis, and if so, what that means politically moving forward toward the 2022 midterm elections and toward the presidential campaign in 2024.



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