I'm sure you're as shocked and saddened as we all are over the unexpected death of comedian and "Full House" star Bob Saget, found dead Sunday in his Orlando hotel. We'll talk about it, and we'll play excerpts from an interview our i-Heart colleagues on the "Monsters In The Morning" show on WTKS did with Bob Saget last week on the eve of his appearance at Orlando's Hard Rock Live. You'll hear Saget talk about his early days as a struggling comic and his philosophy of what a stand up comic ought to be.
We'll venture into "COVID Corner", where, among other things, we'll talk with you about the following developments:
*Today's the day the Biden vaccine mandate kicks in for companies with 100 or more employees. I don't like it, because it's a huge government overreach, but I'm not too worried about it. Why? Because the U.S. Supreme Court has just signaled in oral arguments that's it's leaning heavily toward declaring the vaccine mandate unconstitutional. And, if you like that idea, thank Donald Trump for placing three conservative justices on the high court during his presidency. Without him, and without them, companies would be facing enormous fines, and millions of
Americans would be about to lose their jobs, or be subject to constant COVID testing, if they failed to comply with the Biden mandate.
*Also on the COVID front...why is it that Florida has a huge number of cases right now and a rising number of hospitalizations, but we also have the second lowest death rate in the nation? Whyisthat? We'll explore the question.
In the "What Are They Saying?" segment of today's show, we'll hear from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Vice President Kamala Harris
*DeSantis on why he welcomes all the criticism he gets from Democrats and the liberal media.
*Harris on why she's getting ripped for channeling Jimmy Carter and talking about the "malaise" that's spread across America.
Orange County teachers have just won their fight with the school district for higher pay. I'll explain why that's a good thing, and why it's no coincidence they've won their fight now. It's because they had the district over a barrel, and COVID-19 has a lot to do with that!
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