Hillary said what?! You'll hear Hillary Clinton warn Americans that Trump's gearing up for another run for President and...get this.... if he wins, it could mean the end of our democracy! I don't know about you, but things are so bad right now under Biden's presidency that I find myself longing for the good old days under Trump when we had the greatest economy ever, no inflation, crime under control, no threats from the likes of Putin and the Chi-Coms, etc, etc, etc !
As I write this, it looks like the January 6th select committee in the House is about to vote to hold Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in contempt for his refusal to cooperate with them. Until recently, Meadows was turning over documents to the committee, but then stopped when he felt the committee was overreaching. Meadows is also under pressure from Trump to stonewall the committee, so he's in a tight spot. We'll talk about what Meadows should do moving forward. I'll admit to being somewhat conflicted on this, so I'll definitely want to hear from you!
We'll delve into our Orlando file to talk about Mayor Buddy Dyer's State of Downtown speech Monday afternoon. It's a sure bet he'll paint a rosy picture and tell us what a great job his administration is doing. We invite you to weigh in and let the mayor know what YOU think about the state of downtown Orlando. Also, Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolon has just announced his plans to retire. But he also says he still wants to serve the community. Sounds to me like he might be planning to run for office. Could we be looking at "Mayor Rolon" down the road?
Time Magazine has just announced that Tesla CEO and Space X founder Elon Musk is their Person of the Year. DO you agree with that choice or not? Join the conversation!
From the White House to the heart of Central Florida, our political leaders are putting the pedal to the metal to convince us to buy electric vehicles. We'll have the latest on that effort, and ask what it would take for you to buy an electric powered car or truck.
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