We'll react to the breaking news that Florida's first confirmed case of COVID-19 with the Omicron variant has been confirmed in a patient at a veterans hospital in Tampa. How concerned should we be? How will businesses, local governments and schools respond to the news, and the inevitable spread of the Omicron variant? We'll also hear from Governor DeSantis on what he plans to do...and not do...in response to the news that the Omicron variant has arrived in Florida.
President Biden and Russian President Putin spent about two hours in a virtual meeting on the situation with Ukraine, where Russian troops are massing at the border and could invade. As I said on Tuesday's show, this is only happening because Putin correctly sees Biden as weak and is trying to exploit that weakness for Russia's advantage and extract concessions from the U.S. We'll hear from Florida Republican Congressman Michael Waltz, a combat decorated Green Beret, who sees the situation very much the way I do.
Does it bother you when you enter a restaurant or some other business and the only people wearing masks are the employees? It bothers Governor DeSantis to the point where he's calling for those employees to be allowed to take off their masks. Do you agree with the guv...or not? Join the conversation!
World War II veteran, U.S. Senator and Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole worked right up to the end before dying in his sleep this week at the age of 98. I'll share excerpts from Dole's final column in which he pleads for the end of the partisan divide in America and for our elected officials to work together. Is what Dole wanted possible? If so, is it desirable? Let's talk about it!
Dr. Ken Kronhaus makes a house call to our Good Morning Orlando team to talk about the COVID-19 Omicron variant that's just shown up in Florida.
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Mike Bower joins us LIVE with the latest news on the Biden/Putin virtual meeting over the growing crisis in Ukraine.
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