

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


DeSantis Files for Re-Election Bid!

We'll start the show by putting the spotlight on Florida's two political giants, Governor DeSantis and former President Trump. 

 * Trump headlined Monday night's big Republican fund raiser in Tampa and if sound is available on his speech, we'll play some. We'll also talk about the latest from Trump on when he'll announce whether he'll run for President in 2024.


 * As for Governor DeSantis, he just filed to run for re-election for a second term, and he's laying out more of his plans for next week's special session of the legislature, where he and state lawmakers plan to craft new laws to protect Florida's workers and businesses from the Biden vaccine mandate.



Hop aboard the Biden Train wreck Express and we'll share the latest disastrous poll numbers for the President. We'll also discuss his plans to kill another pipeline, just as his Energy Secretary comments on the prospect of $4 dollar a gallon gasoline!



Those newly authorized COVID vaccines for kids ages 5 to 11 become available Tuesday at a number of schools in the Orlando area. With a lot of parents trying to decide whether to let their kids take the shots, we'll talk live with Dr. David Klein and get his take on how safe they are.


Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill drops by to discuss the latest on whatever former President Trump had to say at Monday night's big GOP fundraiser in Tampa. We're learning more about what Governor DeSantis has planned for next week's special session aimed at combating President Biden's vaccine mandate. We'll give you the very latest we have, and open up our phone and text lines to see what you think, and what you want state lawmakers to do.


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