We'll focus on two big stories: Have Brian Laundrie's remains been found? And, Nikolas Cruz has pleaded guilty in the Parkland school massacre. On the Cruz story, we'll hear him address the families of his victims and make the case that his life should be spared, even though it won't be their decision to make. Here is the one word texting poll we'll have open throughout the show:
80,000 new long haul truckers are wanted to play a critical role in ending the supply chain crisis. There's talk of lowering the minimum age for driving a big rig from 21 to 18. With pay ranging well north of $50,000 a year,
I have to believe a lot of folks will be looking seriously about giving up whatever else they're doing for a living, hopping in the cab of a semi and getting a look at our country from sea to shining sea! Melissa will tell you that this is NOT a dream job.
All aboard the "Biden Train Wreck Express" for the latest disastrous poll numbers for the President! We'll analyze the findings and what they mean Biden and his agenda.
Biden and company have unveiled their plan to get 28 million kids, ages 5 to 11, vaccinated against COVID-19, just as soon as the shots get FDA approval. Our questions: how will the plan work, WILL it work, and will you let your kids get vaccinated, or not?
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