The NY Post has revealed that the Biden administration has been flying migrants at the southern border into the U.S....some of them to Florida...and doing it under cover of darkness in the dead of night. Governor DeSantis is outraged! Biden's team says they're simply doing what the law requires...but if that's so, why have they been trying to hide it with these overnight flights? I think it's because they know Biden and the left wing Democrats may like it, the vast majority of Americans don't want our country flooded with illegal aliens ! What do YOU think?
With the Orlando Magic playing their first regular season game Wednesday night, and the league not having a vaccine mandate, but setting some pretty tough restrictions for unvaccinated players, we'll hear from the Magic's Jonathan Isaac. He makes a pretty compelling case for why he's refused to get vaccinated and why he's opposed...not to the vaccine itself...but to all the mandates. We'll play multiple sound cuts and react to what Isaac has to say and see if it resonates with our listeners...or not.
An Orange County Fire Department battalion chief has just been fired for refusing orders to write up reprimands for members of the department that have refused to comply with Mayor Jerry Demings vaccine mandate for all county government employees. This is a WFTV exclusive, and we'll discuss whether the chief deserves to get fired, and whether Governor DeSantis should respond to the firefighters union request that he get involved.
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins with the latest on efforts by the Democrats in Congress to hold former Trump adviser Steve Bannon in criminal contempt for refusing a subpoena to testify.
How'd you like to win free tickets to a Broadway show at the Dr. Philips performing Arts Center in Orlando? All you have to do is have the right answer to our Sound Judgment question, and it's showtime for YOU!
Our "GMO Wants To Know" question ask you this: What smell or scent reminds you most of your childhood? Hit the text time at 23680 and let us know!
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