As I predicted, the Florida Legislature will take up an abortion bill in the next session that's very similar to the new Texas law., which is the strictest abortion ever enacted in the U.S. A Volusia County state lawmaker has filed "Florida's Heartbeat Act" which would prohibit abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. Here are some links to what's in the legislation. We'll discuss the controversial provisions and whether this legislation would be good for Florida or not. I'm pro-life. Alan and Melissa are both Pro Choice.
The Biden Boys File - 2 entries:
*Articles of impeachment have been filed against President Joe Biden!
*More evidence that the e-mails on Hunter Biden's laptop are legit, even though pro-Biden Big Tech outlets tried to discredit reports about Hunter's business dealings with China and Ukraine.
Florida's new Surgeon General, Dr. Joe Ladapo sure works fast! One day after being chosen by Governor DeSantis, and before he's even formally confirmed by the Florida Senate, Ladapo has announced a major change to COVID quarantine rules in Florida public schools. Here's a link to the controversial rule change that critics say will put a lot of healthy students at risk.
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