** Editor's Note... Did you know that Melissa may or may not actually believe what she says on the air, depending on the topics, the temperature in the room or what she had for dinner last night? Yup, she's that flighty! We're not sure that our followers realize that her opinions might change with the wind. In addition, she often plays the 'Devil's Advocate' to keep conversations from being t0o one-sided. Well someone should do it, don't you think? Scroll down to get the podcast replay!
Strong follow up to Thursday's talk about the Texas abortion law. The Florida legislature plans to pitch a Florida version during the 2022 session. The question we'll discuss and ask our listeners:
Would you back this or not? DeSantis sounded only mildly enthusiastic today, perhaps fearing how divisive the issue would be in the campaign.
Speaking of Texas....Texas has a new gun law, allowing folks to openly carry firearms with no permit and no training.
Questions: would you support such a law for Florida or not?
Is it a 2nd Amendment supporters dream come true? Is it a law enforcement nightmare? Texas cops are really worried about this.
Florida is about to start fining businesses and local governments $5,000 per offense for requiring COVID vaccines for customers. It's a key part of DeSantis' no vaccine passports policy.
Right move or wrong move?
Rory O'Neill joins is on the aftermath of Ida, from Louisiana to the incredible flash flooding in the New York City area.
I thought the NFL's social justice campaign was a one season thing. It's not...they're back at it with BLM helmet decals, end zone signs and more. Good for the game or not?
Mental health is more important now than ever. NAMI.org National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255). National Youth Crisis Hotline (800) 442-HOPE (4673). ALCOHOL. Alcohol Hotline (800) 331-2900
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