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Terror Attacks in Afghanistan - Biden Threatens Vengeance!

It's all about Afghanistan and the deadly attacks, for which ISIS K is claiming responsibility.  Here are some of the angles I see us exploring...

*Reaction to the attacks. Could they...should they...have been prevented?

*Biden's comments and reaction to them.

*In the wake of the deadly attacks, what should the U.S. do now? Just get out? Dig in and stay until we get all Americans and our Afghan friends out? Target ISIS-K strongholds and try and wipe them out? Or....?

*U.S. gave Taliban list of Americans and Afghans to protect so we could get them out. What?! We put a target on everyone on that list!!!


*Lots of Republicans calling for Biden's impeachment or resignation. Sorry, folks...this is political posturing. Neither will happen.


*Trump's reaction- He's on Hannity tonight at 9.

*Just before the attacks, Val Demings ripped Rubio for his criticism of Biden's Afghanistan policy. Wonder what Val has to say now?!


Ashli Babbitt's killer speaks to NBC's Lester Holt at 6:30 tonight. We'll play cuts, discuss and take listener input.

Our predictions on how the Florida judge will rule at 10 AM Friday on challenges to Governor DeSantis' ban on mask mandates for school kids. If DeSantis loses, which I believe he will, he promises to appeal:


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