We'll discuss the latest out of Afghanistan, with a focus on the latest we're being told about the number of Americans left there. And, because it's related to the Afghanistan debacle, we'll discuss how the Democrats are reportedly in a panic over how Biden's poll numbers are plunging, and really worried about the midterms, which they should be!
The Budman's Believe It Or Not File: Guess who just became one of the highest paid anchors on TV? It's MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. She's reportedly inked a deal that will pay her $30,000,000 per year!!! There's more! The deal will have her working less! She'll leave her nightly MSNBC 9pm show and host a weekly show that will air 30 weeks a year, and develop other programs for the network. Hey...I'm all for people making as much as they can, but my question to you and our listeners is this: how do you explain this? I can't stand watching Maddow, and it's not just her left wing politics. I think she's terrible on the air. I have a few thoughts on how she landed a $30 million/year deal, and will share them during Thursday's show. I'd love to get your take on this...and our listeners' as well.
Highest paid anchors (supposedly)
I got a call from our old friend Roger Lear, President of Orlando Jobs -dot- com. His big "Hire Orlando" event happens Thursday at the Amway Center. He says the job opportunities available right now in Central Florida are greater than ever before, and will only last as long as the COVID pandemic lasts. Give his e-mail to me a read and you'll know why we're having him on.
Hi Bud,
Hope you are doing well! Love listening. Anyway been slammed but thought I would let you know we are doing Hire Day Orlando at the Amway Center tomorrow live.
Hard to believe we have over 125 employers live and 10,000 plus jobs. (www.hiredayorlando.com) Anyway, I am still shocked by the number of job seekers on the sidelines for many reasons.
If you want to talk about it, let me know. Talking points:
1. Why is Orlando workers on the sidelines for work but not the fun things...concerts, theme parks, etc. I have some answers.
2. In the last 30 years, there will NEVER be a better chance to get a job you wished you could get just 2 years ago. Companies are throwing out job descriptions and pay grades to attract talent...but this is only going to last until COVID dissipates. After that, those sitting on the sidelines will wish they started their job search now.
3. Even with the minimum wage increase to 10.00 next month, job seekers right now can demand 3.00 to 4.00 more dollars and hour than what they could just before COVID. Higher paying salary jobs are also increasing to attract new talent.
The employers at HDO are ready to deal and I have never seen anything like it. I am hoping the job seekers show up.
Thanks Bud.
The DeSantis file: 2 entries for discussion
*The new poll showing how polarizing the Governor has become, and also showing 6 in 10 Floridians don't want him running for President. This plays to the case I made this morning that DeSantis faces some real challenges moving toward 2022 and beyond.
*We'll hear DeSantis at the Villages threatening more "consequences" for school districts like Orange County who are imposing mask mandates on kids....and ask what our listeners think the consequences should be.
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