

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Biden Wants to Force Vaccines on Nursing Home Employees

COVID-19 in Central Florida - 3 entries:

* New poll on vaccines and masks from Florida Atlantic University


*As I predicted, Orange County Public Schools are clearly leaning toward joining several other counties in defying Governor DeSantis and Florida law, and mandating masks for students.


*Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer now offering cash and other incentives to induce city workers to get vaccinated...and is holding raffle for residents.


Chaos at 35,000 feet ! We're seeing a record number of unruly passengers on flights. The FAA is slamming them with fines. Some passengers have been duct taped to their seats! What's the best way to stop this?!


Don't duct tape unruly passengers, United Airlines says in memo to employees (nbcnews.com)

In what I see as another short sighted, boneheaded move by Biden, the President vows to withdraw Medicare and Medicaid funding from nursing homes that fail have their staff fully vaccinated. Two problems: pull the funding nursing homes depend on to survive...they go out of business. Then what happens to all the patients? Also, mandating vaccines may cause many staff members to quit. Then how do you care for the patients?


More and more folks are getting third COVID shots. We'll ask listeners to share their experiences when going for the shots, and I'll tell my wife's story from today, when she went through all kinds of pushback at a local Walgreen's where they made her feel like she was lying and trying to cheat the system!

I hate cancel culture! We'll discuss and debate what's just happened to a major league baseball announcer and Hall of Fame pitcher, Jack Morris. He used a fake Asian accent for a few seconds in talking about Asian superstar player Shohei Otani. Morris apologized, but the Detroit Tigers have suspended him....indefinitely! Oh, by the way...Otani says he was NOT offended by the comment. My question to you and our listeners....did Morris deserve the penalty imposed on him? if not, what should have been done...if anything?


Afghanistan update: Rory O'Neill joins us LIVE. 


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