6 local cops....3 OPD, 3 OC Sheriffs deputies, shot and killed an apparently suicidal 73 year old veteran waving a gun around outside his house. Here's the latest...please give it a read.
*Did it have to come to this? The guy had called a veteran's hotline. Cops say they crisis hotline saying he was considering suicide and that if cops came "there would be blood". Suicide by cop? Maybe...but, if so, did half a dozen cops have to grant him his wish and take him out? Cops say they didn't call in mental health counselors to try and deescalate the situation because the guy was threatening violence with a gun. Police used their own de-escalation training, but clearly it didn't work. Are the cops blameless here or not?
*The 73 year old vet was white and there has ben virtually no coverage of the story beyond Orlando. What if he had been black? Would there be massive George Floyd-like protests and violence. I think so...and I also think a totally different reaction based solely on race is unjustified and unacceptable. Agree or disagree?
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential support for people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24/7 at 1-800-273-8255.
The Biden file.. and it's jam packed:
*FOX NEWS Poll.. it shows Biden and the Democrats in trouble on a host of issues from inflation to crime and illegal immigration
*Biden staying with his plan to pull the U.S. out of Afghanistan by 9/11....even as the Taliban takes one city after another and threatens to take Kabul. I agree with Biden...the Afghans have to stand up and fight. We've done everything we can do and more to prop up the Afghan forces. It's time to go. We've shed far too much American blood and spent far too much money. There is nothing we can take and hold in Afghanistan without a major, and permanent military presence. 20 years is enough!
*I'll rip Biden for begging OPEC to pump more oil to help lower gasoline prices in the U.S. Trump has us fully independent of foreign sources. Biden killed the Keystone AL pipeline as soon as he took office...and his green energy policies are crippling our fossil fuel industries, and in less than a year has cost us our energy independence!
*Hunter Biden and his laptops. Now there are 3...all problematic!
GUEST: Dr. Klein with Alan...on Alan's Covid-19 antibody test results.
My Pillow guy Mike Lindell is supposed to be rapping up his 3 day symposium and offering rock solid proof that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. I've yet to see anything that capturers my attention, except a ranting a raving Lindell, who now claims he was attacked at his hotel...etc.
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