

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


DeSantis Rips Biden - Olympians who make us Proud!

The DeSantis file - 2 entries

*On COVID, yesterday Biden told DeSantis to "get out of the way". Today, as we'll hear, DeSantis ripped Biden like I've never heard him do. Great stuff if you Luv the Gov !


*As I've said, when bad things happen on a President's watch, it can really cost them in political support. Same applies to Governors. New polling says to me the COVID comeback has suddenly made the Governor's race very competitive. almost overnight. St Pete Polls has Crist up 1 point against DeSantis, with Fried only a few points behind. I want DeSantis re-elected, but, as I've said before, the COVID resurgence could take him down, if his policies wind up not working in the minds of the voters.


Spotlight on Orange County schools in the week before they open. 3 points to discuss

*Superintendent Jenkins has just mandated masks for everyone except students. How's that gonna fly?


*The head of the teachers union says teachers by the hundreds have been quitting this Summer and a shortage looms. Will mandating masks for teachers and not for students drive more teachers away once the school year begins?  

*Virtual School sign up deadlines for OC and other area counties have been extended, as more and more parents want to take their kids out of the schools. From a learning standpoint,  all the research shows going virtual is a poor alternative, but what other choice to parents have? As I've said....none. Sad situation, now that the distance learning programs got scrapped.

The federal eviction moratorium has been extended. We'll discuss whether it should have been or not. Some say, it just gives slackers a chance to sit around at home and not work. And, what are landlords supposed to do when they have renters not paying them rent month after month. Why does no one care about the plight of the landlords...only the delinquent tenants?!




WOW! We'll hear from a black American Olympic gold medalist who raves about how great it is to live in the U.S. and to represent our country in the Tokyo games!!! How refreshing!


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