

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Orange County goes into Crisis Mode - COVID-19 Update

Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings, sounding about as down in the dumps as I've ever heard him, held a news conference today and declared that the county's now in "crisis mode". We'll discuss the latest disturbing numbers on COVID cases and hospitalizations that have Advent Health's ICU's now at full capacity. Where's all this is headed isn't totally clear, but wherever it is, we're headed there fast ! So far Demings says he's not going to issue any mandates, but it's clear to me he wants to....and would already have done so were it not for Governor DeSantis' law prohibiting mandates at the local level unless he agrees it's an emergency. silence today from DeSantis as far as I can tell. 



NEW on masks in local schools:


Pelosi's select committee on the January 6th Capitol riot convenes Tuesday wi5h testimony from some Capitol police officers. We'll hear from Pelosi, making an outrageous claim that there will be no partisanship in the committee's investigation! To me this is all about partisanship. The committee is stacked with anti-trump Democrats and Trump hating Republicans Cheney and Kinzinger. In fact, I'm calling this Trump impeachment #3, because it is clear to me that the end game is to destroy Trump in the minds of enough voters that he could never have a shot at winning the White House in 2024.



I want to explore one of the big questions I'm sure a lot of vaccinated folks have...or should be thinking about: how long is my protection from COVID going to last? Here's some of the latest research on the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines...and the Sinovac vaccine from China, which is the most widely used vaccine in the world. It looks like protection starts to decline in a lot of people only months after they've gotten their shots. Do we have...or will we soon have...millions of Americans who think they are still protected....but are actually sitting ducks for getting COVID?!




Dr. David Klein from www.stagesoflifemedicalinstitute.com joins us to react to Mayor Demings declaration that OC is now in crisis mode. In his last visit, Dr Klein predicted we were headed for trouble and fast, and clearly he was right. He'll also talk about the general state of the pandemic...and offer his advice on what the vaccinated and the unvaccinated need to do going forward..and what, if anything, he things government should do.

Finally, he'll talk about his antibody tests to determine how much immunity you still have from COVID, and reveal the test results for my wife, Lynda and me. He says I have nothing left in the tank, protection wise....Lynda has a month or two. I just got off the phone with Dr Klein who says there are a lot of people who are in a similar situation, but don't know it because they haven't been tested for antibodies. Pretty scary, huh? 

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