We've got the latest from Miami Herald reporter, Aaron Leibowitz on the structural problems and more at the Champlain Condo Collapse.
Trump update: BREAKING NEWS late this afternoon...Trump's lawyer tells Politico Trump will not be charged in NY, as the Trump hating media had hoped.
Trump heads for the border tomorrow
New poll shows border issues are a growing political problem for Biden
Florida just ended the $300/wk federal unemployment benefits in order to force people back on the job and end the worker shortage. We'll debate whether it'll work.
More on whether Othal 'O-Zone' Wallace can be successfully defended.. and how such a defense might look. We'll play cuts from the Mosaic Monk, a pretty militant sounding black guy, influencer, SJW on You Tube who, among other things, says Wallace is "an American martyr". Can any of this stuff be sold to a jury? Here's the video:
Some good news in the old CV Update time slot, as a new study shows the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are so effective they will likely provide long term immunity...and for those who had COVID and also got the shots, immunity may well be permanent
In the Budman's Believe It Or Not file....please read up on this incredible story of a citizen who decided to get involved, intervened and killed a guy bent on killing as many cops as he could....wound up killing the cop killer ... holding the cop killer's gun...at which point he was shot and killed by a cop who showed up and thought the good guy was the cop killer.
Questions I have: will this discourage people from getting involved to stop crime when they see it. And what about the cop who made a tragic mistake? Will he...should he...face charges?
Looney Left File - 2 entries
*Washington State - 8th grade teacher sends students home with a Planned Parenthood flyer offering information and advice on getting an abortion
*Minnesota - restaurant announces 15% "equity" surcharge on everyone's check...to cover, among other things....the racism of customers who supposedly tip severs of color less than white servers.
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