3 topics with lots of angles over 2 hours, before we turn it over to our listeners for Open Mind Monday.
*Capture of Wallace
*Condo collapse and search
*Trump's Ohio rally
Capture of Wallace:
*He had an arsenal in that tree house and talked tough when he was caught. Why didn't he use those weapons?
*DeSantis promises justice will be swift, but will it? It's 4 1/2 years since Markeith Lloyd murdered officer Debra Clayton and he's not even on trial yet!
*There's already talk of a vigorous defense for Wallace. If this guy is successfully defended, given how the officer behaved on the bodycam video, wouldn't it be the end of effective policing in America?
Condo collapse:
*Some families of residents complaining that recovery efforts are too slow. Legitimate or not?
*2018 report on safety issues...and other red flags. How could they have been ignored and who is to blame?
*How many other high rises along beaches in Florida and elsewhere might be at risk because they are slowly sinking and/or suffering long term effects of the salty air from the ocean?
Trump's first post-presidency rally in Ohio Saturday night before thousands of fired up supporters.