Follow up to a local story we talked about 2 weeks ago. In what I see as a First Amendment threat, the Orange County Commission votes Tuesday on an ordinance that would effectively ban protests in residential neighborhoods. This is supported by Sheriff Mina and Mayor Demings. Here's a link to his commentary in today's Sentinel:
And, here are a couple of background pieces on the proposal. As I said two weeks ago when this first came up, peaceful protests should be allowed. This is a fundamental American right and should should be protected. If there's any concern about violence, the protests should be policed., If there is violence, the police should make arrests and clear everyone out of the area. Who's right on this...Mayor Demings ... or me? What do you think?
The concept of a Universal Basic Income ( UBI) has been around a long time...was touted by Andrew Yang when he ran for President in 2020...and is taking root in more and more places in this country...including Gainesville. UBI involves the government giving people money...taxpayer money....for which they have to do absolutely nothing! To me, this is socialism, a disincentive to work hard to improve your station in life, and I think it's dangerous and bad for our country. Gainesville's UBI scheme involves giving regular payments to residents when they get out of prison to help them back on their feet. So, taxpayers foot the bill for your stay in the slammer...then have to help float you when you get out?! NO!!!
Looney Left File - Black singer Macy Gray is doubling down on her contempt for America and especially the American flag, as expressed in her Juneteenth op-ed calling for the flag to redesigned. Read all about it and we'll talk about it.
Macy Gray's op-ed:
A unanimous SCOTUS ruling today has opened the door to colleges being forced to pay their athletes in football and basketball. We'll debate whether this is long overdue, given how much money they make for their schools...or whether the athletes are already getting paid in the form of scholarships. And, how far is this trend likely to go....and how far do you want it to go?
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