Let's talk about Biden in Europe, the G-7 summit, the NATO summit, and the upcoming meeting with Putin. A couple of points I want to raise:
*Biden, as we'll hear, keeps saying "America is back". Just what does he mean by that? We're back to full strength? Clearly Trump has us stronger than ever, so that can't be it. We're back to playing nice with our allies and our adversaries so everyone likes us and/or thinks we're soft, and rolls over us like a truck? Maybe that's it. What do you and our listeners think Biden's repeatedly use of "America is back" means and is it good or bad?
*25th amendment watch - When your mind is slipping, the gaffes don't stop just because you're on foreign soil...and, as we'll hear...they haven't. I'll cite a few examples. I have to believe world leaders are picking up on the President's cognitive struggles. Wonder how it's playing on the world stage? I bet our allies are worried and the likes of Putin and Xi Jinping are eating it up and planning to take advantage of this weak President who's slipping into senility, even more than they already have been!
Looney Left File! A New Jersey school board has just decided to drop the name of all holidays on the school calendar and just refer to the likes of Thanksgiving and Christmas as "days off". That way no one will ever be offended. We're opening this segment with the Looney Left theme song, for, while I don't have any specific information on the politics of the players involved, I don't think it's a stretch to assume they're lefties. Should be good for BAM talk and getting listeners fired up!
Trump's newly issued list of all the things he's been right about... I will go through them all...
... followed by me explaining how, if he's been right about so much, he still lost the election! And, for the sake of this conversation....I'm taking "the election was stolen!" out of the equation, and assuming there was no significant vote fraud...that Biden won fair and square.
A former producer of mine sent Melissa and me an article that attributes Trump's loss solely to his abrasive personality. I agree that was a factor, but think there's more to it that that. We'll see what you and our listeners think. Do I have it right...or not? let me know! bud@540wfla.com
The article I received:
My response to this article:
I still say that without the pandemic, which was a huge negative event he didn't handle well, Trump would have won the election despite his bullying, boorish behavior. Biden was a weak candidate who hardly campaigned. Presidencies rise and fall on major events and especially on the state of the economy. The pandemic was a major event that had a devastating impact on the economy and a lot of people who lost their jobs and had their lives turned upside down took it out on Trump on election day. Pre-pandemic, Trump's policies were working beautifully and the economy was flying high, with every racial, ethnic and demographic group benefitting to a degree we've never seen before...but all that was long forgotten by the time the election rolled around. Was Trump his own worst enemy? Unquestionably. But COVID-19 was his enemy, too and a formidable one, to say the least.
Governor DeSantis just signed into law a bill that will require every school day in Florida to begin with a "moment of silence" lasting from one to two minutes. I called this a waste of legislative time when it was being debated, and I still think it's a big nothing burger. I think most of today's school kids will have nothing on their minds during the silent time other than wishing they were someplace else....or thinking about what they'll do when the bell rings at the end of the school day. Critics say this is a back door way to sneak God back into our public schools because it will enable kids to pray. To me, those kids probably make it their business to pray frequently during the day and don't need a mandate from state government. What do you think?
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