Kamala Harris is more than a thousand miles south of our border...which she still hasn't visited in the 75+ days since Biden put her in charge of fixing the illegal immigration mess....sending the opposite message Biden sent on the campaign trail....by telling the people of Guatemala NOT to come, and that she "believes" they'll be turned back. This policy of undoing everything Trump did on the border is being shown to be a total disaster! We'll discuss and hear from Biden and Harris.
Kudos to the Biden DOJ! BREAKING NEWS this afternoon....they've recovered the ransom money Colonial Pipeline paid to these hackers working out of Russia. We'll give credit where credit's due and hear the Deputy AG warn all U.S. businesses that they are vulnerable to these cyber attacks and have to shore up their defenses...NOW!
Updating the seafaring showdown story....Norwegian Cruise Lines has just announced plans to set sail out of Port Canaveral soon with ships full of fully vaccinated passengers. The big question: will DeSantis invoke his new law and fine the cruise line heavily? Will he call in the National Guard to stop Norwegian from defying him? Should he? Good topic for debate among ourselves and our listeners.
DeSantis has signed into law a measure to empower parents concerned about what their kids schools are teaching them in the way of sex education. Parents will now have opt-IN power....so they can have their kids take the classes....or keep them out if they don't like the sex-ed curriculum. Schools will have to make info available to parents on what they'll be teaching. Works for me...how about you..?
What happens to most politicians when they show up at a big event...like a ball game? At best they get ignored...at worst they get booed unmercifully. In what I take as a measure of his appeal and popularity....even among young people....we'll hear DeSantis cheered wildly as he made a surprise appearance Sunday night at a big rock concert in Panama City. Take a listen to these twitter videos! What do you make of this?!
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