

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Cease Fire in the Middle East and TRUMP vs HARRIS 2024 - who wins?

Trump Train! Today we talked about the Trump rallies coming back. Friday, we focus on the eye-opening results of a new poll showing Trump's stock is rising, despite the de-platforming by social media, bad publicity about his legal problems, etc., and all the time he's been out of power. The poll (see below) shows how much more popular Trump is among Republicans than anyone else, and that in a hypothetical 2024 matchup against Kamala Harris...Trump wins! We'll have a Friday Free-for-all among ourselves and our listeners on the poll and Trump's prospects.



Budman's Believe It Or Not File!: So I'm reading about this 19 year old Osceola County substitute teacher suspended amid child porno allegations...and wondering what's required to be a substitute teacher in Florida public schools. The answer,  as you'll see in one of the links below....not much...and, I think...not enough! We're talking about teaching our kids, for crying out loud! How can the bar be set that low? Is it THAT hard to get substitute teachers?! Is this the best we can do for our children? What do you and our listeners think?



Rory O'Neill's on a story Alan brought to light on Thursday's show....the Florida doctor, who died recently from COVID, is about to have his incredible baseball card collection auctioned off. What he has in just astounding, especially to a guy like me. I'm one of countless guys who've never quite over my Mom throwing out my baseball cards when she thought I'd outgrown them! Arghhhhhh! BAM on interview

The GMO CFL Crime File- The bad news and the good news. I'll highlight two bad stories and two good stories that have been in the news this week and we'll talk our way through them and take calls  and texts.

      The bad: 

      * Ja'Quarius McCray, charged with killing Roxan Sanchez. Given his criminal history, why did Orlando's juvenile detention system ever let him be out unsupervised?!


      * Jamond Lamb, another accused killer was set free for a week because of a mistake by a judge!


      The good:

      * The Good Samaritans in Volusia County who stepped up to help cops get control of a suspect


      * The 11 year old FL girl from the Panhandle fights off a would be kidnapper...and smears him with blue slime during her struggle...which helps cops find the suspect


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