

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


King James Calls Out Columbus Police - Chauvin OverKill?

LeBron James made a big mistake -


Call me crazy, but I think Derek Chauvin is the victim of overkill ! They got him on all counts, but does an ex-cop with no prior offenses really need to be held in a maximum security prison with the worst of the worst?  It's so bad there that they're afraid, as an ex-cop, he'll be killed by other inmates, so he's in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day! In addition, Chauvin's on suicide watch! Why? He's been cast as the personification of all that's evil....there are calls to sentence him to the max....40 years in prison, but for many I'm sure that's not enough. So, why not drop the suicide watch and let him give himself the maximum possible penalty....by committing suicide? How could the mob have a problem with that?!



A light hearted, politics free segment. We all know a cup of coffee gives you a boost...but a new study finds drinking 3-5 cups a day improves your memory and ability to learn. Do you buy that? What do you eat or drink to get you going and keep you going, especially in the morning? President Truman had a couple of shots of whiskey before starting work in the White House! He did alright and lived to the age of 88!


I'll rail on the Florida legislature for shelving the ban on transgender athletes. The NCAA threatened to pull a bunch of championship events out of Florida and they caved to pressure, instead of doing what was right in the interest of fairness and protecting girls high school and college sports!


The systemic racism lie! More on this claim by Biden, Harris and others that systemic racism runs rampant in this country and within policing. I said today that I didn't buy it and was offended by those claims. Thursday...the stats that back me up. We'll touch on the Columbus Ohio police shooting controversy as well.



Should Florida's famously low unemployment benefits ($275/wk max) be raised or not. There's a battle raging over this in the legislature. DeSantis is against any hikes saying companies are having trouble finding enough workers as the economy rebounds, and that hiking jobless benefits is a disincentive to work. Critics call the Governor heartless, but I think he has a valid point, especially in this job market. What do you think?


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