Imagine if Chauvin's convicted, but Maxine Waters incendiary public comments about "more confrontation" result in the defense winning on appeal. The judge says it could actually happen!
In a notable confluence of events today, the Derek Chauvin trial went to the jury on the same day Governor DeSantis signed into law Florida's anti-riot bill which takes effect immediately. If Chauvin's acquitted In a notable confluence of events today, the Derek Chauvin trial went to the jury on the same day Governor DeSantis signed into law Florida's anti-riot bill which takes effect immediately. If Chauvin's acquitted riots seem likely, so we'll hear from DeSantis on what happens in Florida if there's rioting. We'll also discuss the impact on policing should Chauvin be convicted.
Should you be able to marry one of your adult kids? We'll discuss consensual incest and a move to decriminalize it.
We'll hear Maxine Waters trying to ignite the tinder box that is Minneapolis by telling protesters to "get more confrontational", etc. Why are Biden and Pelosi refusing to condemn her? Some Republicans want her removed from office. What do you and and our listeners think about all this?
As folks head into work, the University of Florida is out with results of a study showing that just a few moments of reflection each day before work can be your key to success and moving up the ladder to a leadership position. Do you agree or not?
And riots seem likely, so we'll hear from DeSantis on what happens in Florida if there's rioting. We'll also discuss the impact on policing should Chauvin be convicted.
As folks head into work, the University of Florida is out with results of a study showing that just a few moments of reflection each day before work can be your key to success and moving up the ladder to a leadership position. Do you agree or not?
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