As the endless string of mass shootings (meaning 4 or more shot) continues (more than 150 this year in U.S....more than 180 killed nearly 600 wounded) while closing arguments begin in the Derek Chauvin trial, and we have the 13 year old shot and killed a cop in Chicago....thought we ought to lead of by discussing solutions to these huge gun related problems.
In Budtopia, shootings by police drop to near zero by the simple act of people doing what the cops tell you to. No running, no resisting. The solution to this problem is really that simple. How about a one year national commitment to doing this? Then we compare the stats, and I'll bet the change would be dramatic!
Solutions for the epidemic of mass shootings...infinitely more complicated, of course. Besides the use of a gun, it's hard to find a common thread in all these tragedies. Is everyone just a little nuts from the pandemic? Politically, the left wants to change everything. They'd disarm America if they could. Meanwhile, the right doesn't want to change anything. The more guns, the fewer restrictions, the happier they are. It's gotten to the point that I fear this is a problem without a solution. What do you and our listeners think?
Biden's finally called the mess on the border a "crisis". He's also flip flopped over the weekend and angered the left. We'll talk about whether the President is finally recognizing that undoing Trump's border policies is not the way to go. A new poll shows widespread disapproval of Biden's handling of border issues.
We'll look at the new conservative America First Caucus is forming in Congress. The good news in my view: some of what they want is good solid pro-Trump stuff...the bad news...they also call for promoting "uniquely Anglo-Saxon values",. This has caused a lot of push back from Republicans who rightly realize this come soft as narrow-minded and bigoted and will cost the GOP a lot of votes if the party becomes closely associated with this ideology.
Update: Congresswoman has been driving the America First Caucus and has delayed the launch because of the blowback.
Side note: Matt Gaetz has signed on.
Governor DeSantis is talking tough to Biden and public health officials who promote vaccines....but when you get vaccinated you still need to keep wearing masks, social distancing...avoiding restaurants and other activities. He also goes after the fully vaccinated still running around with masks on and avoiding getting back to living their lives they way they used to. His basic message...
"You got the shots. You have immunity...start acting like it !" I think he has a point. What do you think?
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