The Florida Senate convenes at 5pm to vote on the anti-riot bill DeSantis wants. I'm anticipating it will pass, and we'll talk about what's in it. Critics say it stifles First Amendment freedoms, but the legislation doesn't limit or prohibit peaceful protests, it just raises and expands the penalties for those who turn to violence. And, the bill offers protections for victims of rioting.
The House passed it's version in March. I favor the about you?
Some Democrats in Congress are trying to pack the Supreme Court by adding 4 justices to the 9 we have had since 1869. They'd be liberals, of course, and that would give the left a 7-6 majority. We'll hear from President Biden, who's opposed court packing for 40 years, but is now behind a commission to study the idea he once called "bone-headed". A lot of Republicans are up in arms about this effort, but I'll explain why I don't think it's going least not any time soon.
We'll look at Sunrail's shaky future, what it will cost counties along the train's route to take over operations when the state bails out, and whether it's time to give up on the commuter train that's never come close to attracting as many riders as had been forecast. Seminole County Commission Chairman Jay Zembower is the first official I'm aware of to say openly that it may be time to consider shutting down Sunrail to save taxpayers from getting stuck with the tab. What do you think about that?
In a historic vote, a House committee has approved a bill that would provide reparations for slavery, were it to pass the full House. We've talked about this before, but it's worth discussing again because this effort has never gotten this far.
The defense in the Derek Chauvin trial rested today without Chauvin ever taking the stand on his own behalf. We'll hear him tell the judge this was his own decision. Was it the right move for him...or the wrong move? I'm really conflicted on this, because the prosecution's case was so strong, I've come to believe that maybe only Chauvin can save Chauvin from being convicted.
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