

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Matt Gaetz under investigation for sexual misconduct with a minor.

Matt Gaetz is under a federal investigation for sexual misconduct with a minor.


UF students in Gainesville are interviewed about who's to blame for the current border crisis. They all blame Trump! Is this what you call a LIBERAL arts education?


A private organization is raising money for Astronaut High School in Brevard County by raffling off an assault rifle! This has drawn fire from some, but other folks are fine with it, including some students, which totally surprised me. How do you and our listeners feel about an assault rifle as a school fund raiser? 


Pioneering space tourists gathered at the Cape today. They paid a fortune...or someone paid a fortune for them.,..to be on the first private launch of its kind into orbit where they will spend three days in space.


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