

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Recapping Biden's De-Press-ing News Conference!

Biden's first solo press conference...how'd he do? I found him to be slow and boring....with some lapses...but no train wreck. I found the White House press corp to be a disgrace....seeming at times to be advocates for Biden, which is obviously not their proper role. Most questions were softballs and he was never seriously challenged on anything he said. FOX News never was called on. We'll play some cuts and talk it over. Until this, I'd never ever seen a President at a press conference have notes he referred to, and often read from. No one asked him about the papers he had with him. My biggest problem during the presser....Biden repeatedly trying to blame Trump for the border crisis Biden created!


Flags reading "F Biden and F You Who Voted For Him" (they show the full words) are flying in some Florida front yards. We'll debate whether this takes First Amendment freedoms too far...or not.


The Florida legislature is considering a repeal of permanent alimony and making 50/50 custody of kids in divorce settlements standard procedure. Is this the right or wrong way to go?


During his press conference, Biden got as fired up as he ever gets over the Senate's voting rights bill, S1....the companion to HB 1, already passed by the House. Biden said Republican opposition is "sick!" and that their opposition "makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle" . I think the opposition is all about election security. We'll play sound from Biden and look at what's in this bill that has Democrats and Republicans at each others throats.


As the Magic trade away three of their stars...give up on this season and start rebuilding AGAIN....by question, which I'm sure is being asked by many Magic fans is why

can't the Magic get their act together and figure out how to win ?! When the Magic threatened to leave town some years ago, we coughed up half a billion dollars for a new arena to keep the team here. So what do we have to show for it?!


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