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"Elsewhere" With Alan Spector 5-26-20

Here are Alan's "Elsewhere" stories from 5-26-20!

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Ben and Jerry's is no longer just making ice cream, now they're in the shoe business.


Move over "Take Me Out To The Ballgame," this song is now a permanent part of baseball history. Baby Shark is sinking its teeth into the World Series champions, forever.


You can't keep a good man down.


A legendary hip-hop group is doing their part to keep everyone safe. Wu-Tang Clan is launching their own brand of hand sanitizer called "Protect Ya Hands."


And, finally, SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk and Singer Grimes are now complying with California law in regards to their son's name.


Elon Musk Speaks At Satellite Conference In Washington, DC

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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