Legal Briefs on October 10, 2018

Legal Briefs on October 10, 2018




Here is a link to the show Legal Briefs if you didn’t get a chance to hear it.

  • Question: Can I use the Lady Bird Deeds to pass my property to my children? Or what is the least expensive way to bypass probate?

  • Answer: Lady Bird Deeds is a very effective tool. Contact a real estate lawyer first. I wouldn’t recommend doing this on your own because if it is done wrong, the property may be tied up in probate for years.

  • Question: A person got a judgement at work to ask them to garnish this person’s wages, but it’s from 2007. Is that possible? It says Assets and Assessments is the name of the company.
  • Answer: Yes, some of these are binding and can be collected for a long time. Contact an attorney and see what your options are.  

  • Question: What happens to someone that has an apartment in Florida and has lived there for two years but has kept their home address, their driver’s license, and even the plates on their vehicle from another state.

  • Answer: You are required to update your driver’s license information. It is a crime if you do not. You may get a ticket or possibly worse and it is not worth it. 

Legal Briefs with Kaufman & Lynd: September 22, 2018

Legal Briefs with Kaufman & Lynd: August 29, 2018

Legal Briefs with Kaufman & Lynd: August 22, 2018

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Jeffrey Kaufman can be found on Justia Lawyers and

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